300 результатов найдено по запросу:
шариковая ручка
Рыжий-рыжий, полосатый...
Алексей Точин (р. 1972)
Магазин Tochin Aleksey
Алексей Точин
Родился в 1972 г. в г. Харовск Вологодской области. В 1981 г. семья перебралась в Вологду. Одновременно с окончанием 8 класса было закончено обучение в художественной школе и в музыкальной школе по классу баян. Затем было поступление в Ярославское художественное училище и 4 года учебы на оформительском отделении. По окончании ЯОХУ в 1992 г. с первой попытки зачисление на факультет живописи в Санкт-Петербургскую Академию Художеств. Мастерская В.И.Рейхета.
Товарищество свободных художников СПб с 1994 г.
Союз акварелистов Росиии с 2018 г.
Магазин художника
Tochin Aleksey
Количество продуктов: 37
За гранью.
Эрнест Смирнов (р. 1975)
Магазин Smirnov Ernest
Эрнест Смирнов
Мысль, какова она, как её понять ... -Как её пощупать... -Поговорить с ней...
-Мы не замечаем их..
-Гоняем их..
-Понять истину!-это большая работа!...
Человек, который задавал в детстве далеко не детские вопросы..
-Который видел суету с небес и разговаривал с Создателем..
-Который лишь моргал пред дьяволом..
-И остался здесь...
Магазин художника
Smirnov Ernest
Количество продуктов: 4
Лот 67 Тихон Задонский, свт. Сочинения преосвященного Тихона, епископа Воронежского и Елецкого: [в 15 т.] / Соч. Тихона, епископа Воронежскаго и Елецкого
Аукцион 17-1. Редкие книги, инскрипты, рукописи и фотографии XVII—ХХ вв.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Аукцион 17-1. Редкие книги, инскрипты, рукописи и фотографии XVII—ХХ вв.
Дата: 27.11.2021 16:00 UTC +03:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 151
Катерина Ляпко (р. 2001)
Магазин Liapko Katerina
Катерина Ляпко
About me
I, Katryna Lyapko, was born and live in Ukraine. I have been doing creative work all my life and can no longer imagine myself without it. For me, there is no single direction and technique of painting. What shape my idea takes in my head, so I try to transfer it as accurately as possible to paper. I prefer to use bright colors, which are superimposed in layers and get a unique effect of volume and involvement in the event.
The most important thing for me in my works is to convey to the viewer a new idea / look, to fill a sheet of paper with a combination of paints that will inspire and open people's memories or feelings.
I am also developing in the direction of creating logos, which will also be new, bright and help companies in winning customers.
I completed a painting course that lasted for 7 years. After that, she continued to independently master artistic skills. At the moment I am studying at the 3rd year of the University "Kharkiv Polytechnic University" in the direction of "Finance, banking and insurance". Right now I am still in the process of finding my artistic identity and am planning further studies.
I strive to open my own exhibition.
Магазин художника
Liapko Katerina
Количество продуктов: 9
Катерина Ляпко (р. 2001)
Магазин Liapko Katerina
Катерина Ляпко
About me
I, Katryna Lyapko, was born and live in Ukraine. I have been doing creative work all my life and can no longer imagine myself without it. For me, there is no single direction and technique of painting. What shape my idea takes in my head, so I try to transfer it as accurately as possible to paper. I prefer to use bright colors, which are superimposed in layers and get a unique effect of volume and involvement in the event.
The most important thing for me in my works is to convey to the viewer a new idea / look, to fill a sheet of paper with a combination of paints that will inspire and open people's memories or feelings.
I am also developing in the direction of creating logos, which will also be new, bright and help companies in winning customers.
I completed a painting course that lasted for 7 years. After that, she continued to independently master artistic skills. At the moment I am studying at the 3rd year of the University "Kharkiv Polytechnic University" in the direction of "Finance, banking and insurance". Right now I am still in the process of finding my artistic identity and am planning further studies.
I strive to open my own exhibition.
Магазин художника
Liapko Katerina
Количество продуктов: 9
Алеся Новикова (р. 1984)
Магазин Novikova Alesia
Алеся Новикова
I study at an art school. I create in different styles and genres. I put a part of my soul into each work. I plan to connect my future profession with art.
Support in creative development https://donate.stream/donate_teodor_artgallery
Магазин художника
Novikova Alesia
Количество продуктов: 102
Одинокое дерево
Алеся Новикова (р. 1984)
Магазин Novikova Alesia
Алеся Новикова
I study at an art school. I create in different styles and genres. I put a part of my soul into each work. I plan to connect my future profession with art.
Support in creative development https://donate.stream/donate_teodor_artgallery
Магазин художника
Novikova Alesia
Количество продуктов: 102
Городское здание.
Анна Косицына (р. 2000)
Магазин Kosicyna Anna
Анна Косицына
По профессии художник - живописец,педагог.
Предпочитаю работать в графике, вдохновляюсь людьми, городскими пейзажами. Так же рисую в стиле Digital и увлекаюсь fashion иллюстрацией.
Магазин художника
Kosicyna Anna
Количество продуктов: 2
Лунная ночь
Анна Косицына (р. 2000)
Магазин Kosicyna Anna
Анна Косицына
По профессии художник - живописец,педагог.
Предпочитаю работать в графике, вдохновляюсь людьми, городскими пейзажами. Так же рисую в стиле Digital и увлекаюсь fashion иллюстрацией.
Магазин художника
Kosicyna Anna
Количество продуктов: 2
Sentaku (選択)
Алексей Татаринов (р. 1998)
Магазин Tatarinov Alexey
Алексей Татаринов
Art for me is a sublimation of emotions and thoughts, life in the moment, another world and reality, into which I am immersed. I write in different styles and am not attached to them as such, I do not divide art according to them, as well as music. I like to immerse myself in different cultures, religions, customs of other peoples and peculiarities of languages. Besides art, I am involved in business, music and sports.
Магазин художника
Tatarinov Alexey
Количество продуктов: 7
Die Weiderung
Алексей Татаринов (р. 1998)
Магазин Tatarinov Alexey
Алексей Татаринов
Art for me is a sublimation of emotions and thoughts, life in the moment, another world and reality, into which I am immersed. I write in different styles and am not attached to them as such, I do not divide art according to them, as well as music. I like to immerse myself in different cultures, religions, customs of other peoples and peculiarities of languages. Besides art, I am involved in business, music and sports.
Магазин художника
Tatarinov Alexey
Количество продуктов: 7
In the stream
Алексей Татаринов (р. 1998)
Магазин Tatarinov Alexey
Алексей Татаринов
Art for me is a sublimation of emotions and thoughts, life in the moment, another world and reality, into which I am immersed. I write in different styles and am not attached to them as such, I do not divide art according to them, as well as music. I like to immerse myself in different cultures, religions, customs of other peoples and peculiarities of languages. Besides art, I am involved in business, music and sports.
Магазин художника
Tatarinov Alexey
Количество продуктов: 7
The day will come
Алексей Татаринов (р. 1998)
Магазин Tatarinov Alexey
Алексей Татаринов
Art for me is a sublimation of emotions and thoughts, life in the moment, another world and reality, into which I am immersed. I write in different styles and am not attached to them as such, I do not divide art according to them, as well as music. I like to immerse myself in different cultures, religions, customs of other peoples and peculiarities of languages. Besides art, I am involved in business, music and sports.
Магазин художника
Tatarinov Alexey
Количество продуктов: 7
Большой лопух
Алеся Новикова (р. 1984)
Магазин Novikova Alesia
Алеся Новикова
I study at an art school. I create in different styles and genres. I put a part of my soul into each work. I plan to connect my future profession with art.
Support in creative development https://donate.stream/donate_teodor_artgallery
Магазин художника
Novikova Alesia
Количество продуктов: 102
Архитектор вселенной
Нина Валетова (р. 1958)
Магазин Valetova Nina
Нина Валетова
Русско- американский художник, проживающий в США и России.
Художник , работающий в области живописи и рисунка. Эксперементирую в синтезе стилей, как кубизм, сюрреализм, абстратное и фигуративное искусство в одном произведении, которое называю Синтезис Арт Стиль.
Живопись маслом, рисунки тушью и цветными карандашами
Магазин художника
Valetova Nina
Количество продуктов: 11
Ирина Голощапова (р. 1972)
Магазин Goloshchapova Irina
Ирина Голощапова
Меня зовут Ирина Голощапова. Родилась 5 июля 1972 года в Москве. В прошлом я - налоговый инспектор, а затем преподаватель маркетинга и экономики в одном из самых уважаемых техникумов города Донецка. Когда началась война, я с семьей переехала в Луцк. Тут и началась моя деятельность как художника и преподавателя живописи. В 2015 г. я организовала Женский Клуб "Дары Макошь", который в 2017 г. был включен в десятку лучших социальных инициатив (по версии КрымСОС). Основными направлениями деятельности Клуба были проведение мастер-классов по живописи и хенд-мейду, организация обучающих и развлекательных мероприятий для женщин и детей. Являюсь постоянной участницей городских и волонтерских мероприятий, фестивалей, благотворительных проектов. В 2018 г. получила сертификат арт-терапевта. Организовала несколько персональных выставок в библиотеках г. Луцка, Арт-галерее "Луцк", ТЦ "Порт-сити".
В творчестве очень люблю разнообразие - пишу картины масляными красками, акварелью, кофе, гуашью, акрилом, фактурной пастой, пластилином.
Работаю в технике декупаж и других декоративных техниках, создаю авторскую бижутерию из натурального камня, плету из бумажной лозы, расписываю стены в стиле зентангл и т.д.
Магазин художника
Goloshchapova Irina
Количество продуктов: 9
Водная стихия
Алеся Новикова (р. 1984)
Магазин Novikova Alesia
Алеся Новикова
I study at an art school. I create in different styles and genres. I put a part of my soul into each work. I plan to connect my future profession with art.
Support in creative development https://donate.stream/donate_teodor_artgallery
Магазин художника
Novikova Alesia
Количество продуктов: 102
Городской пейзаж
Алеся Новикова (р. 1984)
Магазин Novikova Alesia
Алеся Новикова
I study at an art school. I create in different styles and genres. I put a part of my soul into each work. I plan to connect my future profession with art.
Support in creative development https://donate.stream/donate_teodor_artgallery
Магазин художника
Novikova Alesia
Количество продуктов: 102
Катерина Ляпко (р. 2001)
Магазин Liapko Katerina
Катерина Ляпко
About me
I, Katryna Lyapko, was born and live in Ukraine. I have been doing creative work all my life and can no longer imagine myself without it. For me, there is no single direction and technique of painting. What shape my idea takes in my head, so I try to transfer it as accurately as possible to paper. I prefer to use bright colors, which are superimposed in layers and get a unique effect of volume and involvement in the event.
The most important thing for me in my works is to convey to the viewer a new idea / look, to fill a sheet of paper with a combination of paints that will inspire and open people's memories or feelings.
I am also developing in the direction of creating logos, which will also be new, bright and help companies in winning customers.
I completed a painting course that lasted for 7 years. After that, she continued to independently master artistic skills. At the moment I am studying at the 3rd year of the University "Kharkiv Polytechnic University" in the direction of "Finance, banking and insurance". Right now I am still in the process of finding my artistic identity and am planning further studies.
I strive to open my own exhibition.
Магазин художника
Liapko Katerina
Количество продуктов: 9
Катерина Ляпко (р. 2001)
Магазин Liapko Katerina
Катерина Ляпко
About me
I, Katryna Lyapko, was born and live in Ukraine. I have been doing creative work all my life and can no longer imagine myself without it. For me, there is no single direction and technique of painting. What shape my idea takes in my head, so I try to transfer it as accurately as possible to paper. I prefer to use bright colors, which are superimposed in layers and get a unique effect of volume and involvement in the event.
The most important thing for me in my works is to convey to the viewer a new idea / look, to fill a sheet of paper with a combination of paints that will inspire and open people's memories or feelings.
I am also developing in the direction of creating logos, which will also be new, bright and help companies in winning customers.
I completed a painting course that lasted for 7 years. After that, she continued to independently master artistic skills. At the moment I am studying at the 3rd year of the University "Kharkiv Polytechnic University" in the direction of "Finance, banking and insurance". Right now I am still in the process of finding my artistic identity and am planning further studies.
I strive to open my own exhibition.
Магазин художника
Liapko Katerina
Количество продуктов: 9